An iron fist in a velvet glove

Comment on the article Poland could be next to leave if the EU stands up to Warsaw by John Kampfner in The Times, 23 July 2021.

Lech S Borkowski comment in The Times 24 July 2021 An iron fist in a velvet glove
Lech S Borkowski, comment in The Times 24 July 2021

In Poland and Hungary Communists seized power at the end of WWII and never gave it up. They wiped out any pockets of resistance to the dictatorship within the first few years.

Having done that, they realised a unique opportunity to fully control, shape, manipulate, and falsify the past, the present, and the future.
East European totalitarianism evolved over decades. This is the case of dynamic dictatorship, not a static one.

Having eliminated any real opposition to its rule, they decided to create a fake opposition recruiting from within the ranks of the ruling class. Children of the Communist elite and their most loyal servants formed fake dissident groups. No form of such resistance would be tolerated by the Communists unless it was given their own seal of approval. It is mind boggling that western reporters have not questioned these issues.

Timothy Garton Ash, who began his career reporting from Eastern Europe, didn’t bother to explain in his reports and books that his East Europeans friends led privileged and sheltered lives. That their family members were staunch Communists.

The claim that changes of 1989-90 was a ‘velvet revolution’ is obviously a lie. It was not a velvet revolution. It was a fully staged and managed fake transition, something well practiced in the Communist world. The same Communist iron fist is now masked by a velvet glove. However, this fist has the same ability to choke and strangle, something my wife and I know very well.
