Comment on the article A cultural Iron Curtain separating east and west threatens to tear the EU apart by Jonathan Saxty in The Telegraph, 21 July 2021.

22 Jul 2021 1:18PM
The confusion about East European members of the EU stems from incorrect examination and interpretation of post-WWII history and politics in EE countries. The alleged collapse of Communism was not what it was advertised to be. It was a merely a reorganisation of the totalitarian state, not the collapse of it. It was organised by the Communists themselves who controlled every bit of the process and continue to run, this time disguised as competing parties. These lies are pretty obvious. Growing up and going to school and university in 1970s and 1980s I have not seen any real resistance to Communism around for miles, apart from occasional minor complaints.
My parents were long-time prisoners of Communist concentration camps in Russia after WWII. We were always hostile to Communism and never changed. To properly answer the question whether there was a democratic transition in Poland, you need to look at someone like me. I managed to leave to the US at the end of 1980s for a doctoral study in physics. I returned to Poland in 1995 and got a job at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. It turned out quickly that things remained the same. I was excluded from normal teaching activitivies consistent with my degree. I was shunned, harassed and humiliated. I had to come to work with my own private laptop. They wanted to enslave me or make me quit on my own, ideally first to exploit my knowledge and skills and then get rid of. An extremely vicious campaign was organised by the state authorities against our family and eventually my pianist wife Małgorzata Głuchowska and I were expelled from our workplaces in state institutions in 2015. It was an extremely brutal, sadistic campaign.
Interpretations in the media are formulated within the framework typical of western European states. This is simply wrong. Politics in Poland is conducted in a provocation mode. This means that issues publicised in the media are engineered and fully controlled by the ruling class.
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