Comment on the article Covid is a 1914 moment for the post-Cold War globalised order by Allistair Heath in The Telegraph, 27 January 2021. Polish version: Siła komunistów skrajnie niedoceniona.

Lech Borkowski
28 Jan 2021 1:39AM
“a wonderful, freewheeling, ultra-mobile 30-year affair that started with the downfall of communism in 1989 has come to a screeching end.”
Communism has not collapsed. Being on the receiving end of the stick, I know this first-hand. You have seriously underestimated the Communists and their creativity in pushing the fake narrative. EU is their paradise. Communist party members and their subordinates are in the European Parliament and European Commission. Communist methods deployed on the ground.
Communist celebrities visiting top world universities. The need for self-deception is as high as ever.
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