My comment on the article Britain in united front is only way to resist Russia post-Brexit by Baroness Warsi in The Times, 21 January 2021. Polish version: Czy poważnie traktujecie prawa człowieka?

The appropriate keyword is provocation.
It must be pointed out that Bill Browder is the grandson of the General Secretary of Communist Party USA Earl Browder. Earl as well as his family members worked for the Soviet intelligence. Why would Communist agent Putin pursue grandson of comrade Browder? It doesn’t make sense.
It would be better to devote significantly more effort into decoding deception in Communist countries, i.e. in countries of all Soviet allies. Calls for ‘unity’ amidst incomprehension of Russia’s modus operandi merely reinforce the narrative provocatively imposed by Russia.
I am writing this as a citizen of Poland. My family and I are targets of Communist social terror. My parents were prisoners of Communist concentration camps in northern Russia. My wife and I were expelled from our jobs at state institutions in Poland, following a long and extremely vicious campaign. Government members, including PMs, were informed in detail about criminal activities of the state apparatus against us. They did nothing to stop it. If you were serious about human rights, you would have to look into those cases and impose sanctions on those officials as well. Some of them are members of European Parliament now.
Communist party members are also members of European Parliament and European Commission. I haven’t noticed any protests against their presence there, while Britain was part of the EU.
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