Lech S. Borkowski, Małgorzata Głuchowska: Critical Narrative Analysis

All the Pravda

“All the Pravda That’s Fit to Print”. My comments on the article Meet Maroš Šefčovič, the steely former communist who imposed the EU’s Brexit deadline by James Crisp in The Telegraph, 11 September 2020.

This article reads like The London Pravda. Let’s see…

towering, basketball-loving, polyglot, wise choice, embroiled in tough trilateral negotiations, won plaudits from all sides, managed to negotiate a solution in highly challenging circumstances, dealing with untrustworthy Russia, ideal preparation, safe pair of hands, his ability to whip through briefings and his laser-like eye for detail, cheerful, friendly approach, he was all steel, big hitter, a well-prepared and formidable opponent

Note this: “Dealing with an untrustworthy Russia”, the country he obtained his degree from.

The following is characteristic of the Communist school:

‘has an unfailing habit of referring to Mr Gove (see video below), the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, as either “Mike” or the “Chancellor”.’

In essence, EU Commission vice-president is a towering Communist figure with a degree from an untrustworthy country.


Lech Borkowski 12 Sep 2020 8:03AM

“Former Communist” is an oxymoron. Something like a “Russian data security company”



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