Lech S. Borkowski, Małgorzata Głuchowska: Critical Narrative Analysis

Grandpa Frost

My comment on The Times view on the Belarus protests: Lukashenko at Bay, 18 August 2020.

This is kids’ stuff. Political technologists in Belarus and elsewhere in the Eastern Bloc are laughing their heads off. It works every time. Western analysts and newspaper editors can’t get enough of it and each time they believe the same lies.

It is like watching the days before Christmas on tv. The tricks played are the same each year. The same improbable stories about Santa Claus/Father Christmas. It is Ded Moroz, Grandpa Frost this time. And the kids continue to fall for it. It is such a nice story.

The Belarus ‘opposition’ has no program and is telling lies just as Lukashenka does. The entire story about Lukashenka being the dictator is completely false, of course. There is no dictator without the supporting cast. The current lies are based on earlier lies about the departure from Communism, i.e. the extremes of collectivism and the accumulation of power by a single person.

Both Lukashenka and ‘the opposition’ are one and the same thing. The same story. Both are products of Communist privilege. One supporting the other. Part of the same organism.

But shh… Do not wake up the analysts in the western think tanks and the editors in the newspapers. They want to live their childish dream.


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