Lech S. Borkowski, Małgorzata Głuchowska: Critical Narrative Analysis

Russian soldiers singing in the Vatican

My comment on the article Soldiers filmed singing Franco song by Isambard Wilkinson in The Times, 10 December 2020.

Lech S Borkowski comment The Times 10 December 2020
Lech S Borkowski, comment in The Times, 10 December 2020

I would like to remind The Times of a much bigger scandal.

When the Red Army Choir visited the Vatican to sing at the celebration of the 26th anniversary of John Paul II’s pontificate in 2004, some of the media did report it. However, no one in the media pointed out, that the last song of the evening was “Oka”, the anthem of the Communist Polish First Division formed in the Soviet Union in 1943.

The event was broadcast to Italy and Russia. The audience was packed. Yet, no one in the media, including The Times, seemed to notice the scandal. Metaphorically speaking, the pope showed his middle finger to the faithful that night. The message was clearly “You have been told lots of lies. This is who I really am.” You can find the concert’s video online.

Would The Times, please, correct this lapse of attention? This is really significant.


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