Lech S. Borkowski, Małgorzata Głuchowska: Critical Narrative Analysis

Persecution for Political Reasons in Poland

I and my wife were both dismissed from our jobs at the end of 2015 for political reasons. Enclosed is a release we wrote recently.

Western obervers are unaware how deeply criminal are the activities of the Polish state apparatus, regardless of who is currently in power. EU allows the functionaries of the Polish criminal state to run the EU affairs through its institutions. This means that people who are responsible for the criminality of their own state participate in dictating the rules for democratic countries to follow.

This situation will have negative effect on Europe. Western political class is extremely naive about the state of affairs in countries of Eastern Europe. The keyword is “deception”.

Things have not changed. The Solidarity trade union was created by communist intelligence service in order to make a controlled change of public decorations, keeping the substance of their power intact. Political parties in Poland are fake creations.


LS Borkowski

Release 35, Poland, April 25, 2016

We were both dismissed simultaneously from our jobs in state institutions at the end of 2015, after many years of repression and various provocations. […] Typical communist methods were used.

LSB obtained a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Florida in 1995 and began working at the university in Poznan. Here he was permanently bullied and humiliated. The authorities and “colleagues” blocked his professional development both openly and covertly. The reason for this treatment are decisions taken by his parents in defense of Polish souvereignty against Soviet invaders. Parents were sent to communist concentration camps in 1945 and 1949 by the NKVD war tribunal. LSB is proud of his parents. He was always against the communist dictatorship in Poland after WWII and never found any justification for it. Communist laws still apply in Poland and communist methods of falsifying the reality are widely used. The functionaries of this criminal state try to destroy professional life and various areas of life of their targets.

Science and culture have decisive influence on the character of the state. Persecution of scientists and artists who reject falsification of history and falsification of the current public narrative proves the criminal character of the state. The police and the prosecuting authorities are taking active part in this criminal activity. This method has been used before and it is used now. Poland is neither free nor sovereign. Poland’s public narrative is subjugated to Russian interests, which closely follow those of the Soviet Union. Methods applied against us were developed by communist functionaries.

NKVD has its followers in Poland. It is no coincidence that the communist labor code of 1974 remain in effect. Its aim is to facilitate control, repression, and social murder.

Contemporary methodology of falsifying juridical proceedings, including public prosecution, is modeled on Soviet patterns. This is a routine method used also by functionaries of government ministries, universities, schools and other public institutions.

Repressions against LSB have not ceased after 1990, and repressions against his wife began shortly after she married LSB in 1997.

Małgorzata Głuchowska
Dr hab. Lech S. Borkowski

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