Production of fake narratives

Comment on the article We must support the citizens of Belarus during this brutal state crackdown by Renatas Norkus, Arkady Rzegocki, and Dr Jonathan Eyal in The Sunday Telegraph 7 February 2021. Polish version: Produkcja fałszywych narracji.

[1] Lithuanian Ambassador to the UK

[2] Polish Ambassador to the UK

[3] Associate Director at the Royal United Services Institute

Lech S Borkowski comment in The Sunday Telegraph 8 February 2021
Lech S Borkowski, comment in The Sunday Telegraph 8 February 2021

8 Feb 2021 12:21AM

“Just like Poland, whose solidarity movement four decades ago sparked a series of revolutions ending Soviet rule in Central and Eastern Europe and paved the way for a peaceful transition to democracy in the region at the end of the 1980s”

This is a false statement and a key element of recent mythology. The Solidarity movement was organised by the Communist regime in order to create excuse for moving to the next stage of dictatorship, dictatorship ‘below-the-line’. In this next phase, the repressive acts are more carefully hidden and masked. There is, however, a clear evidence of continued abuse, if you know where to look.

Leading members of the Polish ‘opposition’ came from within the regime itself.

The West failed disastrously to decode even the most basic elements of this comedy.

The Polish state continues to use Communist methods and violate human rights. In 2015, the state authorities issued a fake statement that my pianist wife Małgorzata Głuchowska cannot continue as a piano teacher in a state school of music and must be fired. The documents fabricated by the Regional Centre for Occupational Medicine in Zielona Góra in what is now western Poland, contain a a Soviet-style statement by a psychologist accusing my wife of unspecified delusions. These are Communist methods which the West chooses not to see and not to report. The sound recordings of two conversations with the psychologist, to which my wife was subjected under the threat of losing her job, are available on Youtube. The top Polish authorities received detailed information about our case, but chose to protect the perpetrators.

Our family is targeted because my parents were prisoners of Communist concentration camps in northern Russia and I have always supported the hard choices they made. I was expelled from the Physics Dept. of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan in 2015 after two decades of harassment, bullying, and mistreatment. I have a PhD from an American university. You can read more here:

Lies, falsifications, and production of fake narratives, the entire mythology of a heroic ‘opposition’ are well rehearsed in Eastern Europe. There was no transition to honesty and authenticity. People are so used to lies and falsifications in everyday life that violating the laws does not bother anyone.

Similar comedy is being played in Belarus now. Those coming on the streets in Belarus fulfil regime’s wish.

The current article is also subordinated to the Communist/Russian narrative, from which the occupation of Eastern Poland by the Soviet Union since 1939 and the subsequent genocidal treatment of the Polish population and anyone resisting Communism is absent.

Belarus known today is a Communist creation. It has nothing to do with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The ambassadors of Lithuania and Poland commit an act of historical forgery here.

My parents lived in Eastern Poland, which was later divided into Ukrainian, Belarussian and Lithuanian Soviet ‘Republics’. They were stripped of their Polish citizenship as a result of the illegal Yalta deal, conducted behind the back of the Polish government. Unfortunately, the governments of Great Britain and United States participated in this act, against the will of the people, although they had neither the moral nor legal right to do so.